Games, Resources, Environment, Enterprenurship, and Education Network

GREEEN aims to build capacities that successfully address local and regional environmental, social and educational issues/challenges.

About Us


We want to raise environmental awareness through socially inclusive activities, and also create opportunities for direct involvement and entrepreneurial action in solving local and national challenges, and support the collaboration between school children, educators, representatives of educational institutions towards the development of cross national educational resources.

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Our Blog

Understanding Plastic Pollution: Causes, Effects, Solutions

Understanding Plastic Pollution: Causes, Effects, Solutions

 Plastic pollution is a growing environmental concern caused by the accumulation of plastic products in the environment, especially in oceans and other ecosystems, where they can harm wildlife, marine life, and natural habitats. Plastic waste often originates from...

Authors & Contributors

Eco Logic

North Macedonia

Synthesis Center For Research and Education Limited

Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo "Danilo Dolci"

SSUO “Dimitrija Čupovski" – Veles

North Macedonia

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