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Go GREE(E)N for a sustainable future!

Go GREE(E)N for a sustainable future!

Today, more and more people seem to be interested in what Go Green means. Even if they do not have a solid knowledge about this topic, they do not want to ignore it. Many of us want to help others learn how to create a sustainable, fairer world too.  This is why...

Bonapp – a local initiative fighting food waste

Bonapp – a local initiative fighting food waste

Bonapp is an app meant to fight against food waste. It started a few years ago in Bucharest, but soon other cities entered this community. The idea is simple: if you are a restaurant, a supermarket, a small shop, then you can create an account on this platform. Every...

Why should we all be fighting against food waste?

Why should we all be fighting against food waste?

Today, more than 30% of all the food produced in the world goes to waste. This means nearly 1.3 billion tons of fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, seafood, and grains that get spoiled or are thrown away in hotels, grocery stores, restaurants, schools or home kitchens....

Plastic Packaging…… a 21st century problem

Plastic Packaging…… a 21st century problem

If you are walking down the street or going for a jog in the park, there’s the same inevitable “enemy” thrown everywhere on the ground: the plastic. Plastics are polluting all corners of the planet, from the Arctic to the ocean depths, with as yet unknown consequences...

It’s party time! Our planet deserves it!

It’s party time! Our planet deserves it!

Do you love birthday parties?  If your answer is yes, then we have another reason to celebrate.  On June 5th, it’s World Environment Day. Yes, I know…. It’s not the typical birthday party you are used to, but why not celebrate our planet? It is the place...

The “10 commands” for a sustainable life

The “10 commands” for a sustainable life

The whole world is talking about sustainability. Some are talking, some are arguing, some are really taking action. Some do more, some do less. The most important thing is to do something…. For the Future! Some basic rules to obey: 1. Forget about your plastic...

How to fight against soil pollution?

How to fight against soil pollution?

Pollution is the biggest environmental cause of disease and death in the world today, mainly soil pollution, along with exposure to chemicals and poor waste management. Soil pollution is a global threat that is particularly serious in regions like Europe, Eurasia,...



Food waste has become a very important issue for our modern world. But what can we do to avoid it? Consumers can help reduce the amount of food lost in transport by buying locally grown produce, including at places like farmers'...

Sustainable habits – The useful green transport

Sustainable habits – The useful green transport

When we talk about sustainable transport, less pollution comes into our minds. In a world full of various ways of polluting our environment, green transport can be our future, a sustainable habit. The benefits of green transport are: - to create jobs; - to improve...

An original project against food waste – Savables

An original project against food waste – Savables

It is known that 6,000 tons of food are thrown away every single day in Romania and nearly half comes from the restaurants. In the following paragraphs, we have chosen to present a unique Romanian project, called Savables, where the main aim is to reduce food waste by...

Composting can reduce our impact on the planet

Composting can reduce our impact on the planet

We create food waste every day. The largest amount of this waste is vegetable and fruit peels, grass, leaves, etc. If this waste is thrown into landfills, it will rot, and harmful gases (methane and carbon dioxide) are released, which are the main cause of global...

Tackling Air Pollution in Limassol: A Call to Action

Tackling Air Pollution in Limassol: A Call to Action

Limassol, Cyprus, renowned for its vibrant culture and stunning coastal views, is facing a growing challenge: air pollution. Despite its natural beauty, the city has been grappling with deteriorating air quality, posing significant health and environmental risks to...

Health Plant Benefits : How it affects us

Health Plant Benefits : How it affects us

Plants are very important for nutrition, and our health condition is closely related to their use because they make up a large percentage of the food we eat daily. The benefits of consuming plant foods (fresh or cooked fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts, legumes,...



World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 since 1993 to remind us of the importance of this liquid for the survival of all species and for the development of social and economic activities. All those fortunate enough to have water as an everyday...

Sustainable Living: Small Habits, Big Impact

Sustainable Living: Small Habits, Big Impact

Sustainability can be defined as, “the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance.” Habit - a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously....

Green – opportunities

Green – opportunities

Young people are the driving force of our society The local association "Vila Zora" from Veles recently launched a project aimed at inclusive dialogue between youth and local authorities as a means of improving life and conditions in the community, while also...

Pollution in Skopje- citizens challenge

Pollution in Skopje- citizens challenge

Air pollution in Skopje, unfortunately, has been a topical issue for years, and a threat to human health and the environment. According to various analyzes of pollution data in our country and the capital Skopje, collected with the most modern methodology, we can...

Harmful consequences of the plastic

Harmful consequences of the plastic

         The needs of the modern consumer are constantly increasing, and people, consciously or not, are constantly increasing the type of products and services they use. In today's conditions, there are unlimited possibilities for transporting products, which allows...

the Ozone layer

the Ozone layer

Climate change is the significant variation of average weather conditions becoming, for example, warmer, wetter, or drier—over several decades or longer.  As greenhouse gas emissions blanket the Earth, they trap the sun’s heat. This leads to global warming and...

Chemicals in the air

Chemicals in the air

Air pollution is the contamination of air due to the presence of substances called pollutants in the atmosphere that are harmful to the health of humans and other living beings, or cause damage to the climate or to materials. It is also the contamination of the indoor...

Sustain Your Habits, Help Sustain Your Earth

Sustain Your Habits, Help Sustain Your Earth

Contributing to a healthier planet and ensuring a better future for generations to come begins with living sustainably and being mindful of our habits. By making simple changes in our daily lives, we can foster a healthier environment and lifestyle. It's like getting...

plastic pollution

plastic pollution

Plastics are polluting our planet and our waters, harming human health and damaging ecosystems vital to our lives. Different NGOs and institutions are raising the alarm on the severity of the global plastics crisis and they found four reasons why the world needs to...

Plastic: Wake-up call

Plastic: Wake-up call

Plastic is definitely one of the most important materials today. However, excessive use of this material comes at a price. There is no material today that is as present in everyday life as plastic. The use of this material in all branches of industry, from the...

International Day of Forests

International Day of Forests

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests (IDF) in 2012. The Day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of all types of forests. On each International Day of Forests, countries are encouraged to undertake...

The Silent Threat Below: Understanding Soil Pollution

The Silent Threat Below: Understanding Soil Pollution

Soil pollution, an often overlooked environmental concern, silently threatens the very foundation of life on Earth. It occurs when harmful chemicals, heavy metals, or other contaminants exceed natural levels in the soil, posing significant risks to human health,...

Echo-eco: the sustainable lifestyle

Echo-eco: the sustainable lifestyle

With some small changes in behavior, each of us can contribute to the protection of the environment: 1. Save water, it's in fashion! Do not let the water run while brushing your teeth or while washing your hands and face  Do not throw waste in the toilet. Don't...

Let It Grow!

Let It Grow!

Who doesn't desire a planet adorned with lush greenery and pristine air? Unfortunately, with the current trajectory of soil pollution, this vision remains elusive. Without swift action, we risk inheriting a planet marred by pollution and plagued by health ailments....

GREEN ECO COMPETITION – From seed to plant

GREEN ECO COMPETITION – From seed to plant

From seed to plant (with the students we sowed various types of seeds, carrots, parsley, tomatoes, peas and pumpkins) and followed their growth and development. From old wooden pallets by cutting and joining we got large pots for planting. We first painted the pots...



Food waste is a big problem that we should all be aware of. Did you know that around one-third of all food produced worldwide goes to waste? Not only is this a waste of resources but it also contributes to environmental issues.  Around 931 million tonnes of food...



Air pollution is a global environmental issue that affects and jeopardizes the health and well-being of billions of people around the world including our home, Cyprus. We are an island in the Mediterranean and despite our small size and population, we as a country...

Food waste in Italy

Food waste in Italy

A third of the food produced in the world is wasted, and in Italy alone this loss is worth as much as 9 billion euros a year. The European Union has come up with a precise definition of what constitutes food waste. EU Directive 2018/851 states that the concept of...

When does climate change end?

When does climate change end?

Climate change is a very negative aspect of our modern society. Evolution has had a bad impact on our planet. There are multiple causes of climate change. Some most important causes are: - burning coal, oil and gas produce carbon dioxide to produce electricity -...

Bio waste – (Re)Shaping our tomorrow

Bio waste – (Re)Shaping our tomorrow

"Bio-technology in my world - Experiential Learning Program" A workshop was held in our school, as part of the program "Bio-technology in my world - Program for experiential learning" which is implemented in partnership by UNICEF, UNDP, Center for Vocational Education...



In 2007, a new friendly environmental event started around the world. It is called EARTH HOUR and it is celebrated every year on March, 23rd. Foor one hour, people and institutions are encouraged to switch off their lights to show symbolic support for the...



Air pollution is represented by chemicals in the air that can harm the health of humans, animals, and plants. Most air pollution is created by people working in factories, using cars, or planes. Air pollution is most common in large...



People know what’s happen? Every year, during carnival parades in the streets and in public places confetti is thrown by adults and children also from the papier-mâché wagons.People throw also streamers, colored foams and there is loud music; all this creates noise...

Public assembly No more fires Palermo

Public assembly No more fires Palermo

In the past year, a city initiative was born to address the social, environmental and political aspects of this emergency. In recent months, our region (Sicily) has been hit by numerous fires that have destroyed thousands of hectares of land, causing irreparable...

What are you doing to our planet?

What are you doing to our planet?

Soil pollution is a big issue for our planet. We know that the soil offers us our food, because it is the place where everything grows. The plants take their minerals and vitamins from it, but nowadays we find it difficult to have clean areas to plant, grow and...

At risk 109 specific food products from Sicily

At risk 109 specific food products from Sicily

How is it possible that in a few years typical products can disappear? Whose fault is it? The right answer is climate change. The BonusFinder Italy team conducted a study that looked at all regions of Italy (and thus Sicily as well) and identified which food products...

Are you hungry?

Are you hungry?

Modern society brought various bad aspects, such as pollution, plastic, diseases and even food waste. When we think about food, we think about people having at least a meal each day. But studies around the world show that there are regions where food is a luxury....

green living 101: building sustainable habitats

green living 101: building sustainable habitats

When we talk about sustainable habitats what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Amazing ecosystems that we can look at for days and wonder how they work or a nice clean park that people can hang out and spend time in. A sustainable habitat is a habitat or an...

A plastic free life

A plastic free life

Plastic is one of the most common materials in the world. We can't make it a day without using it, because it is flexible, light and durable.But it has a big minus: it is the main source of pollution. Today less than 10% from the amount of plastic is recycled and it...

Green transportation 

Green transportation 

Green transportation to reduce the negative impact of transportation on the environment Traditional gasoline and diesel vehicles emit harmful pollutants into the air such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, contributing to air pollution and...

Palermo plastic free

Palermo plastic free

Consistent effort and attention today will enable us to still have a Planet tomorrow. This is the slogan under which the plastic collection event is held in Foro Italico each year.On this occasion all volunteers of all ages and from various parts of the city dedicate...

Do you want to go for a green ride?

Do you want to go for a green ride?

Known as the speed century, the 21st century also has its bad aspects. In a very developed world, people want to get to work in a blink of an eye. Using personal cars, this can be achieved easily, because this freedom of movement has grown so much.  But how can...

How do we manage to stop FOOD WASTE­­?

How do we manage to stop FOOD WASTE­­?

 Not every single being of the human population is aware of how much food we waste. Hundreds, thousands, millions of people all over the world are fighting for a piece of bread and here we are on the other side picking whether we should eat white or black bread. The...

Resolving environmental issues on soil protection

Resolving environmental issues on soil protection

Soil pollution is a global problem which affects all living creatures on our planet. So, this raises the question: „What is soil pollution?”. Soil pollution is defined as the presence of toxic chemicals (pollutants or contaminants) in soil, in high enough...

Water pollution – what can we do?

Water pollution – what can we do?

Air, Sun, Water.... The three most important elements of our lives.  We breathe from the first second of our lives, we need sun for vitamin D and for plants to grow and we need water to hydrate our bodies.  All around us there is something that has water in...

Let’s do it, Romania! 

Let’s do it, Romania! 

Known as the major event of the year, Let's do it, Romania! gathers people from all the corners of our country and for one day they clean all the garbage from streets, parks, forests, national roads, fields and mountains.  This event has a lot of support from...

What about soil

What about soil

Soil pollution is one of the most serious forms of pollution because it jeopardizes the presence of fertile soil and results in substantial disruption of ecosystems and serious loss of biodiversity. It consists of the presence of chemical and toxic agents that alter...



Our carbon footprint is greatly influenced by our choice of transportation. By implementing innovative and digital solutions for public transport, cycling, walking, and other forms of sustainable mobility, we can make our cities and our environment cleaner and...

International day of clean air for blue skies

International day of clean air for blue skies

International Clean Air Day, which is celebrated on September 7th every year, is a day dedicated to awareness of the importance of maintaining clean air and the fight against pollution of the air we breathe. In the following few points, we will explore the...

The summer of wildfires in Sicily

The summer of wildfires in Sicily

Hot summer but not only because of the heat but also because of the numerous fires Like every summer or maybe more we have had so many fires especially in Palermo and its province. Unfortunately, year after year these events occur more and more frequently causing...



What do I mean by 'a new era'? I imagine a new era as a time of drastic change, where both people and animals must adapt to new living conditions. The invention and subsequent widespread use of plastic marked the first phase of this new era. From my perspective, this...

The food waste challenge

The food waste challenge

Introduction All around the world, food waste is a serious issue that countries are facing. As children, you would have probably been told to eat all the food on your plate and not leave any. However, as adults, many people still don't fully understand the problems...

Transportation: The Less The Greener

Transportation: The Less The Greener

Introduction Green, or sustainable, transport refers to ways of transportation that are sustainable in terms of their social and environmental impacts.  Right now, transportation is taking up a quarter of global emissions,...

The Peril of Water Pollution

The Peril of Water Pollution

Introduction   Water pollution remains one of the most pressing environmental challenges on the planet. As the world's population grows and industrialization advances, waterways face a constant barrage of pollutants that harm the environment and human health. This...



What is plastic and why is it here?  In 1862 Alexander Parkes introduced the first ever plastic and it was held at the London International Exhibition.  The new material was named Parksine in the name of Alexander Parkes, and it was then marketed as an...

Small Steps, Big Impact

Small Steps, Big Impact

Embracing Sustainable Habits for a Greener Future In a world facing increasing environmental challenges, adopting sustainable habits has become more critical than ever. While it may seem daunting, even small changes in our daily routines can have a significant...

Small steps for a better future

Small steps for a better future

Can we help our planet during the vacation on beach? Yes, you don't even have to work that hard, it requires just a few things and with a little desire we can do a good action for our planet.First thing would be to be aware that garbage should not be left on the...

Earth Cry

Earth Cry

A lyric statement The Earth is dying. So let me tell you now, We’re all screwed. Don’t tell us that We can decrease poverty, We can stop the trees from being cut down We can minimize pollution. It’s too late to change anything. And we don’t trust anyone who says: WE...



by HuskMusk Introduction Wildfires are a major issue that is causing havoc and destruction around the world, and Cyprus is no exception. With a high concentration of forests and dry vegetation, Cyprus is particularly susceptible to wildfires. The island has witnessed...

Plastic pollution during Covid 19

Plastic pollution during Covid 19

Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues: the production of disposable plastic items is overwhelming our ability to manage them. Plastics made from fossil fuels are over a century old. The production and development of thousands of...



The reasons why food is thrown away are innumerable, but often very little sense. Food waste is a useless waste of resources, energy and money. Waste in the kitchen:When we talk about food waste in the usual sense, we mean the accumulation and/or preparation of food...

Is your life GREEN?

Is your life GREEN?

In the modern world, it has become very important for most people to take up a new life, an eco-friendly way of leaving, because day by day and generation by generation we understand that all our actions cand destroy the environment.But what can be done? How can we...

Taming plastic: environmental responsibility

Taming plastic: environmental responsibility

When it comes to environmental protection the plastic waste always has been an issue. But plastic still is very useful in our everyday life and it’s hard for many companies in the economic industry to find a way to provide another material that is as cheap and as...

Global warming and how to fight it

Global warming and how to fight it

Over the past one to two centuries global warming has become a serious problem. This long-term issue has an impact on everything from animal life to mankind and the functions of our planet. Harmful human activities such as burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests...

Today is World Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day

What is World Environment Day and why is it celebrated? World Environment Day is a worldwide day of celebration proclaimed in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly and is celebrated every year on June 5. Each edition has a theme as a common thread that links all...

Can you breathe?

Can you breathe?

Imagine this….you are at the mountains admiring the view. You enjoy every moment of it, but now open your eyes. Do you like the reality? Do you like what you see?Unfortunately, air pollution is one of the biggest issues of our modern world. We like change, we like what makes our lives easier, but we can’t see how dangerous is everything for our Mother Nature.

The IIS Danilo Dolci is different

The IIS Danilo Dolci is different

Why is the institution syddenly cleaner? After various awerness projects aimed at the students of the Danilo Dolci Institute located in Partinico, the latter have become the protagonist of an initiative to promote separate waste collection. The initiative was born...

Not everything is what you expect!

Not everything is what you expect!

EVEN ELECTRIC CARS POLLUTE… Many think that by buying an electric car they can reduce the pollution of the planet compared to traditional cars. Electric cars pollute less from an atmospheric point of view, emitting about 75g/km which is equivalent to about 69% less...



Are there the other planets where man could live? Or we need to start taking care of our own planet Earth. Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. (To find out more about how it all began...

Sustainable Easter-how to be green during the holidays

Sustainable Easter-how to be green during the holidays

With the arrival of the holidays we often forget sustainability, we offer you the solution-here is a super delicious anti-waste recipe. To this idea we arrived by following one of The 7 WWF tips for a sustainable Easter How to use leftover Easter(chocolate) eggs? Make...

Every drop creates an ocean – Local initiatives

Every drop creates an ocean – Local initiatives

It is know that in life people should be patient and determined if they want to succeed. But what if they guide all this patience and determination towards creating useful activities which can be useful and meaningful for the entire world?

Bertolino: Where do you discharge?

Bertolino: Where do you discharge?

Partinico - The Nocella, located between the beaches of Trappeto and Balestrate, is now the focus of local media attention because of the results of its water analysis. The data are extremely discouraging since the level of phosphorous and ammonia present was found to...

SOS – the water supply is running out

SOS – the water supply is running out

Have you ever thought about how would your life be without water? Of course not. When this vital source is offered to us all the time, it is nearly impossible to imagine that we can ever run out of it. And despite this way of thinking, there are deserted regions where...

Is breathing becoming a luxury?

Is breathing becoming a luxury?

„Be a part of the revolution against the air pollution; let’s make a revolution and a human contribution for a better nature solution“. Air pollution has major impact over health issues in most parts of our country. These health issues refer not only to people but to...

The Willow Project threatens planet Earth

The Willow Project threatens planet Earth

Climate changes, the world has been changing for a while now, however we only noticed a few decades ago. We have been polluting the earth ever since adapted to a “better” modern way of life. The Willow Project is one of the many ways we are threatening the earth, the...

Radiation in your water: Good or bad?

Radiation in your water: Good or bad?

Many people aren’t aware of what’s in the water they are drinking. This begs the question, should we be concerned about the radiation in our water? Radioactive materials, also called radio-nuclides are both naturally occurring and human made. Radio-nuclides from...



Do you know that the average adult breathes approximately 20,000 times a day? This requires 10,000 litres of air, good quality air, if we are to remain healthy. In Cyprus this is questionable. EVERY MOVE WE MAKE There are many contributors to air pollution in Cyprus:...

Ohrid pearls.

Ohrid pearls.

Queen Elisabeth is shocked… How long will she be able to enrich her jewellery collection??? Natural pearls last 150 years, but the Ohrid pearls last forever. – say the locals from Ohrid. Ohrid pearls are hand made art. The base is taken by scrubbing the inside of...

How close can you bare a bear?

Have you ever wondered how fast can you run while taking out the trash? Well, a hungry bear can reach even 56 km/h. Trash bears Brașov is a big city in the middle of Romania and it is surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains. The statistics show that Brașov is one of...

Nature rebellion

Nature rebellion

An accident happened in the Marmolade glacier a group of tourists die. Marmolada-Unpredictable event caused by the melting of glaciers. We mix the two concepts of pollution and climate change but they are two different aspects of...

Micro-plastic in Macedonia: are they harmful to us

Micro-plastic in Macedonia: are they harmful to us

As plastic waste proliferates around the world, an essential question remains unanswered: What harm, if any, does it cause to human health? Scientists are rushing to study the tiny plastic specks that are in marine animals — and in us. Scientists have since seen...