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Bonapp – a local initiative fighting food waste

Bonapp – a local initiative fighting food waste

Bonapp is an app meant to fight against food waste. It started a few years ago in Bucharest, but soon other cities entered this community. The idea is simple: if you are a restaurant, a supermarket, a small shop, then you can create an account on this platform. Every...

Green – opportunities

Green – opportunities

Young people are the driving force of our society The local association "Vila Zora" from Veles recently launched a project aimed at inclusive dialogue between youth and local authorities as a means of improving life and conditions in the community, while also...

GREEN ECO COMPETITION – From seed to plant

GREEN ECO COMPETITION – From seed to plant

From seed to plant (with the students we sowed various types of seeds, carrots, parsley, tomatoes, peas and pumpkins) and followed their growth and development. From old wooden pallets by cutting and joining we got large pots for planting. We first painted the pots...

Public assembly No more fires Palermo

Public assembly No more fires Palermo

In the past year, a city initiative was born to address the social, environmental and political aspects of this emergency. In recent months, our region (Sicily) has been hit by numerous fires that have destroyed thousands of hectares of land, causing irreparable...

Every drop creates an ocean – Local initiatives

Every drop creates an ocean – Local initiatives

It is know that in life people should be patient and determined if they want to succeed. But what if they guide all this patience and determination towards creating useful activities which can be useful and meaningful for the entire world?