When does climate change end?

by Feb 16, 2024blog

Climate change is a very negative aspect of our modern society. Evolution has had a bad impact on our planet. There are multiple causes of climate change. Some most important causes are:

– burning coal, oil and gas produce carbon dioxide to produce electricity

– deforestation

– fertilizers containing nitrogen produce nitrous oxide emissions

– global warming

– greenhouse gases

Climate change has many effects on our environment and health, such as:

– hotter temperatures

For example, in the Arctic region temperatures have warmed at least twice as fast as the global average.

– more severe storms

Most times, storms destroy homes and communities, causing deaths and huge economic losses.

– increased drought

Global warming causes water shortage and severe drought can affect agriculture and daily life activities.

– rising ocean levels

As icebergs melt due to hotter temperatures, also ocean levels are higher and sea creatures can die, such as fish or coral reefs.

– loss of species

When temperatures are higher than the average and the forests are cut, the animals must relocate in order to survive, but some of them do not adapt to the new environment.

– not enough food

Lack of food is a consequence of the fact that the environment suffers from high temperatures, storms and drought.

– health risks

Apart from animals, people can suffer too, because diseases can spread easily and extreme weather events increase deaths.

– poverty

Climate change increases the factors that put and keep people in poverty. For example, floods may sweep away urban slums, destroying homes and livelihood. Heat can make it difficult to work in outdoor jobs.

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