Bonapp – a local initiative fighting food waste

by Nov 25, 2024blog

Bonapp is an app meant to fight against food waste. It started a few years ago in Bucharest, but soon other cities entered this community. The idea is simple: if you are a restaurant, a supermarket, a small shop, then you can create an account on this platform. Every day you offer you products, which are still good, but they do not sell anymore. You put a price on every item or dish, people make an online reservation for their order and pay by credit card. All you have to do is to come to the restaurant or shop at the end of your work day and pick your order, ready to be eaten at home, feeling cozy and relaxed in from of a fireplace or watching a nice movie.

Bonapp helps people to buy food at half price. We all can save money for other activities, for a summer holiday, for a nice dress or a book. This app helps the entrepreneurs, as well. They save up their products and at the same time help people with lower income to afford a nice meal every day.

So, what are you waiting for? Install this app, talk to your friends about it and forget about paying full price for your food. 

11th Grade from Technological High School of Services “Sfântul Apostol Andrei” Ploiesti Romania