What about soil

by Oct 12, 2023blog

Soil pollution is one of the most serious forms of pollution because it jeopardizes the presence of fertile soil and results in substantial disruption of ecosystems and serious loss of biodiversity.

It consists of the presence of chemical and toxic agents that alter the soil with direct consequences on the food chain, health and well-being, water and human health, and nature.

Among the main causes of soil pollution are liquid and gaseous solid wastes directly from human activities. Proper waste separation and disposal are essential. In addition to household waste, there are special wastes from industrial activities. Such as hydrocarbons and waste containing dioxins, heavy metals, and organic solvents.Plant protection products used to combat major plant attacks in intensive agriculture are one of the most important causes of this pollution.

Radioactive waste in a quantity predetermined by competent authorities is rejected into the environment by nuclear industries. Uranium mining, reprocessing and radioactive waste storage also generate radioactive pollution. In addition, there are environmental disasters from nuclear plant malfunctions and accidents (Fukushima, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, etc.).

In addition, unusable radioactive waste that is buried in deep ocean pits or, in some cases, buried in geologically safe and stable areas is another source of soil pollution.

In the next article on this topic you will be able to find out what are the effects on human health caused by soil pollution.