by Mar 1, 2024blog

Air pollution is a global environmental issue that affects and jeopardizes the health and well-being of billions of people around the world including our home, Cyprus. We are an island in the Mediterranean and despite our small size and population, we as a country face our own set of obstacles related to air pollution.

There are many causes of Air pollution in Cyprus. Transport emissions is one of the main sources of air pollution. The number of vehicles on the roads, especially in urban areas like Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca result in the release of pollutants which add to the excess of air pollution. Studies have shown the per capita number of cars per household. In Cyprus our industrial sector is constantly growing larger, main aspects of this include energy production, manufacturing, and construction. This releases and adds pollutants into the air, causing industrial activities to be another main contributor of air pollution. Despite being a small island natural factors such as wildfires and dust storms also contribute to air pollution, especially during our very dry summers. These examples release significant amounts of pollution, reducing the air quality.

Problems associated with air pollution has a significant amount of harm it can cause to all life on Earth. Air pollution here has harmful effects on the public health of citizens. Studies have shown respiratory problems, heart problems and can cause early death. Vulnerable groups like young people and the elderly and individuals with pre-existing health conditions are more heavily at risk. Air pollution can also negatively affect the environment in multiple ways. It can harm vegetation, farms and wildlife. It also results in soil and water pollution. Acid rain, as a result from air pollutants, can have various damaging effects on bodies of water and ecosystems.

However, we must not loose any hope! We as a country are working together to reduce our negative environmental impact on the Earth. We have improved our public transport and are working to implement ideas such as more bike lanes and pedestrian pathways, which as a result can aid to reduce the amount of vehicles on the road and therefore help in a decrease of emissions. Another issue Cyprus is working on, is the conversion to renewable energy such as wind and solar power sources which can decrease emissions from our energy sector and reduce our current significant reliance on fossil fuels. Reducing air pollution cannot be achieved without the help of everyday things people can do. A very simple and easy way to reduce our air pollution impact is to simply increase our greeness. By having increased green spaces and planting more trees in urban areas, can help absorb pollutants and improve our air quality.

Air pollution in Cyprus, alike in other countries, is a very serious issue with a range of causes and significant consequences for our environment, our economy, and our public health. To assist in the decrease of air pollution, we must implement a multi-faceted plan with more strict regulations, the encouragement of sustainable practices, and increased public education and awareness. By addressing the problem and taking action with effective measures, we can work towards cleaner, purer air and a healthier, safer future for our citizens.